Organic Real Leatherwood Honey is
Golden Nectar Honey.
Ground Flora Honey is
Golden Bee Honey
Liquid Honey
Liquid Honey is the honey we are most familiar with. Our bottled honey is heated and cooled quickly under stringent controls to maintain its liquidity and syrup sticky characteristics. Available in a number of sizes.
Creamed Honey
Creamed Honey is whipped to create a light fluffy product. Wonderful for school lunches, crumpets and toast. Available in a number of sizes
Candied Honey
Candied Honey takes the finest honey and it is naturally encouraged to ‘candy’, creating a superfine texture. Available in a number of sizes.

“The best honey in the world! I have loved this leatherwood honey since I was little and it’s my preferred choice still. It never fails to make my mouth happy and it smells of the Tasmanian bushland - warm and fragrant.”
— David M Google Review